I love traveling, but as much as I love traveling I find myself in these situations where Im rushing at the last minute to figure out what I should wear, what the weather will be like, how the flight will be, will those im traveling with getting along with me, etc...
I realized that I needed some new dress shoes and used the occasion to go out and find a pair, I typically don't like shopping in person I prefer online, but the thought of representing my University gave me the extra nudge to make sure that when I'm seen I'm representing them accurately. Before I go any further, I want to say I'm a firm believer that the way you dress doesn't represent who you are but at the same time I took it upon myself to find this dapper pair of Stacy Adam's for $40. What a deal!
The after briefly looking at the weather I was still in a state of disarray not wanting to believe that I was leaving the sunshine to go to chilly Washington D.C. After getting over the cold, I made my way to meet my colleagues. This is always a make or breaks the moment you can easily other individuals can come in very handy. Angela, you ever meet someone and you know right off the back they get a feel for each other in a two-hour car ride. Elsie, she's our chaperone, organized and detailed orientated, always keeping us on track while also making sure we experience everything going on around us, add a smile that not only lights up a room but also is welcoming and you get our fearless leader. Angela, you ever meet someone and you know right off the back they know a lot in a great way? That's Angela, the conversations were stimulating and varied in topics we both have a common interest in cyber, and after listening to what she does to push the next generation in the cyber world, I was happy to say that I was apart of the same team as her. Douglas, the saying "like a good neighbor state farm is there," that's Douglas, you're immediately able to see he's dependable has a lot of pride in what he does and pays very close to detail. He could also be described as a family man, protector, and scholar. Anyone who's traveled understands that it can be frantic, you're rushing, and you have the stress of your upcoming objectives on your mind. You need individuals like Jose, who last but surely not least we scale to brighten our nights in many ways than I can describe. He's ambitious, welcoming, intelligent and curious with the ability to lighten the mood as mentioned before. I'm very lucky and look forward to my future post while experiencing Washington D.C. with my fellow teammates.
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