You know they say time flies when you're having fun, I think this saying truly represents my feelings towards this experience. As I began to pack my bags, I couldn't help but think to myself that knowledge is power but to have the knowledge and do nothing with it is a waste. I've learned so much from this experience but now its application time, how do I take what I've learned and begin to help others? I don't have the answer to this yet but my eyes are open and when the right moment approaches I will take the time to react.
This has been a life-changing experience and Id like to take the time to Thank the University of Arizona South for this opportunity. I'd like to thank our Escort Elsie, who made sure we made it there safe and sound. To all the panel members who shared their experiences and their knowledge with us.
As I prepare to get on the plane there are two things in my mind, one my knees are going to numb, and two rather than saying goodbye to everyone id much rather say until we meet again. Because when you meet great people during an experience like this, you end up making friends for life.
As you are reading this post, you will truly understand the experience if you play the song from Toy Story" you've got a friend in me," Also, the photo above shows two strands of rope wrapped around each other together they are very strong individually they are not. I feel its important for us to remember that when we are united for a cause nothing can stop us.
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